Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Here She Comes! Miss Bracketology...

Congratulations (click here) ANNA! She did it again! I knew when both UCLA and UNC lost in the semis that my run this year was over. Once again Tony inspired his little ones. Anna lead early and kept a commanding lead throughout the tourney finishing with 98 points setting a new family point record!
It was tough for me to take it on the chin again but I always have next year.
I could use some input about the formats used this year. Did you like using the yahoo brackets and/or the family blog? Would you like to use them again? I personally miss all of the paper brackets hanging on the wall and marking them off but I don't miss the time spent in relaying totals.
Thank you for playing. It was great fun!
Love, Wendy


BeckyRuss said...

YEAH FOR ANNA!!! Let's give a big round of applause for the winner. Russ was so close to winning, but said that if he had to lose to anyone, he would gladly give it up to one of his nieces or nephews. (I think he was just trying to cushion the fact that he barely lost) :(
Also--How about that championship game?!? My BP was sky high at the end--It was so exciting!! I had to lay down right after to get the BP back down. Crazy!

Ange said...

Two schools of thought from the DNA household. Ange loves the blog and the creativity potentials there, and the yahoo site is great for checking peeps' brackets. Dave preferred the messages on the yahoo site, but that requires way less time and creativity. :) Honestly, I think people got a little carried away with their smack talk. It's easy to be bold when you're not in person, but it's also easy to be misunderstood in writing too. All in all, a very fun year. Do we really have to wait a whole 'nother year to do this again?

Amber M. said...

Wendy, I loved the whole Yahoo! site thing. But I REALLY missed your witty highlights. Maybe next year a hybrid of the two?? The blog was fun, but we needed more posts...And it WAS my year. My year to SUCK!:-)