Thursday, March 19, 2009


Yeah, I'd be licking my wounds too.


Amber M. said...

Remember last year?? Well, I finally learned my lesson. If it's a hawt husband and a rockin' Art History degree you're after, than BYU is the school for YOU!

If not, take your towel and go home.

condiefamily said...

I am glad you put it in writing. Just like having a baby- we seem to forget the pain until it happens all over again. It is now officially 'out there' and documented and I concur. I WILL NEVER PICK BYU TO WIN IN THIS TOURNAMENT EVER EVER AGAIN! Wow. I feel much better now.

BeckyRuss said...

I (Becky) learned from last year too. I just knew BYU was going to choke. I'm so grateful I followed my gut. It was painful to watch them get dominated!